Monday, April 30, 2012

Brave Little Girl!

Our sweet little Braelyn Boo had to have surgery last week to have a cyst on her head removed. We've been the typical procrastinating parents waiting almost a year and a half to get it done. Don't judge quite yet; it wasn't life threatening or anything. =) I just hate the idea of kids going under anesthesia. It's nerve racking. At least she had already been through it before with getting tubes in her ears, so I knew she should be okay.

We prepared her for surgery day by telling her that she was going to take a nap at the doctor's and the doctor was going to fix her bump. Once she was all prepped and ready for surgery the nurse came in to walk her away. I thought she was going to freak out. I told her the nurse was going to show her her new bed. She looked up at me with a smile and said, "Oh! Okay!" Then she grabbed the nurse's hand and skipped away.

The real heart breaker was AFTER surgery. When they brought me back to her she was waking up from the anesthesia. She couldn't even open her eyes and I think she was hungry and thirsty. She was just crying and holding me so tight. Yes, me, Mrs. Unemotional, got all teary eyed trying to calm her down.

Alas, this didn't last too long. As soon as we got back to the house she was back to her normal self . . . nonstop talking and nonstop energy. After inhaling a bag of popcorn and watching her new Chipmunks movie (courtesy of Grandpa Cal), she couldn't be contained. The nurses said she would be groggy and laying in bed most of the day. Um, think again. Between chasing her out the front door and down the street to constant explanations of why we couldn't go to the park, I had a regular old Braelyn on my hands. No relaxing day for us!

Probably the only two moments she was not running around:

Needless to say, I am so proud of my little pooper. Hopefully we won't be seeing another doctor anytime soon!


  1. She IS a brave little girl! And how did I not know she got tubes??!!...some friend I am. :)

  2. Good for you! Great to be brave! I felt the same way about my girl's chronic nosebleeds... not life-threatening, "we" can manage this... At age 7 SHE told me she was ready! She had the surgery in December and hasn't had a nosebleed since! Not one! I feel selfish for not doing it sooner... :(
